Annus Mirabilus ~ 7 Jan 2016

Annus Mirabilus was the first Word of the Day e-mail sent out by Merriam-Webster in 2016. Perfect timing. Quite simply, annus mirabilus means, “a remarkable or notable year.”

So, how to make 2016 remarkable?

Well, you could start by booking a consultation... or ordering a report... or delving into the vast content of the Galactic Trilogy CD. Click Here!

And you could apply a series of checkpoints for those New Year resolutions, projects in progress and daunting goals, to ensure real world pacing for successful fulfillment of objectives.

First, for plans, goals, detailing objectives, let’s go with January 13th as a re-declaration date for those who have previously declared resolutions or aspirations. For those who have not issued plans and objectives, it’s not too late, but get on it! Mercury, retrograde (rx) in Capricorn, aligns with the Sun this very day and loves to state, “tempus fugit.” Despite the bad rap Mercury’s reversal of motion receives, and the fearful immobilization this retrograde irrationally inspires, this is a day of focused clarity in mental matters. With Capricorn involved, expectations can be examined for adequate determination, realism, focus and richness of intended. With the Sun involved, an abundance of light thaws resistence and his warmth encourages a long look at how far ones influence might spread. Use the 13th well. Get planning done. You never know what cosmic support releases when propitiating the planets.

While hundreds of transits could be detailed for 2016, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are applied for forceful action, enthusiasm and realism. When bundled, they combine to offer the best of “get it done!” Mercury is added for the clear assessment of the actual state of completion. So, let’s begin: 

31 January - Saturn to Great Attractor (GA), also Mars to black hole APR 220.

Go broader. Include more, including previous deleted considerations. Show the consistency of your efforts with the platform of your beliefs. With Mars to the brightest object in the local universe, a black hole resulting from the collision of two galaxies, observe that complete immersion into the objective at hand yields even greater potency. Dive in as deep as possible. Shine and let others seek out the brilliance

23 March - Jupiter rx Square Saturn stationing to rx.

As always, a tense aspect between Jupiter and Saturn is more than a good thing - the square is prime time. An organic balance of expansion and push, courtesy of Jupiter, receives proper administration and oversight from Saturn’s innate caution and practicality. Since both planets travel retrograde: revisit, review, edit, improve, enhance. Then, revisit, review, edit, improve, enhance.

14 April - Jupiter rx square GA

Revisit beliefs. Ensure that your goals are aligned with what you truly believe. Work on cultivating vaster knowledge and experience to sharpen the course to destinations on your horizons. Be a model of consistency with beliefs. Learn something new. Take in all input from anyone wiser and more advanced on the path.

9 May - Mercury conjunct Sun

This is the focal point of Mercury retrograde in which Earth-Sun-Mercury stand in a longitudinal line up. With the retrograde in Taurus, reassess all things material. Are the needed supplies available and useable in a timely manner? Is the budget still solid, or does it require modification? Are all involved with achieving your objective (including yourself) content and fairly compensated?

19 May - Saturn rx to GA

Here it may seem as if the tide is going out and buoyancy cannot be maintained. Perhaps that is true. Adjust to the time. Walk the symbolic low-tide beaches of your plan. What treasures may wash up on the beach? What indicators of real world catastrophes appear, causing you to take heed and prepare, without assuming disaster is at hand? Reset the momentum, and if one task loses traction, shift steering to the part of the planetary patterns with tread on the road.

22 May - Mars opposes Sun

Here, Mars is in the middle of his retrograde, aligned with Sun and Earth. In theory, this marks the 50% completion point of the year’s goals. If one is beyond half way, do not slack off. Maintain momentum. Look for other “distractions” that recently appeared that potentially offer improvement to goals underway. Can they be added? More important, do they fit the original objective? If not, can it be included without compromising philosophic integrity. If not at 50%, avoid admonishment. Enhance the aspirations and redeclare the beginning of September as your 60% completion marker.

26 May - Jupiter square Saturn

This square constitutes one of the most fortuitous planetary alignments of the year. This is a “go-for-it” interval. Opportunism, optimism and good planning match up with sweat equity, determination and perseverance. Nose to the grind stone.

3 June - Jupiter to GA

Ask yourself the following:

Are your actions and beliefs in alignment?

Do you offer advice only on topics and matters you have mastered?

Are those in positions of offering counsel more experienced and wiser than you?

Are all options on the table?

Is anyone or anything left behind?

1 September - Mars to GA

This is a full speed ahead interval. However, real time, real world instincts must prevail. Trust that something is just around the next bend and in your lane of the road. Trust that over the next hill there could be an axle-breaking pothole. When the shivers, chill bumps, hackles appear, trust them. As well, reach out to the downtrodden, excluded and shunned. See if they can be part of diversifying your plan.

13 September - Mercury conjunct the Sun

Another mental clarity checkpoint. Check mundane matters and material aspirations. Distill details. Complete clean up of any untidy circumstances. Ensure logic filters contribute to the greater cosmic abstractions. Find a way to say yes.

All of September - Jupiter conjunct ZS

The entire month of September, Jupiter, whether in Virgo or Libra, aligns with the Super-Galactic Center where 30 plus galaxies share a common black hole nucleus. This is a point of master negotiation between all factions and parties to reassert cosmic commonality. With a common bond as the substrate of effort, fantastical cooperation, coproduction and shared involvement results. This is the time, regardless of your objective’s completion, to put it out there for general consumption. Master social media and expand your reach beyond the known horizons.

29 October - Saturn to GA

This passage of Saturn to the Great Attractor reaches out for maximum inclusion of people, places, things and ideas. The bounty of the harvest of ideas and insights seeks to create results that offer positive outcomes for everyone. As one of your objectives receives final polishing, bring one of this year’s new insights forward to the planning table. Commence drafting of what’s next.

29 December - Mercury conjunct the Sun

How’d you do? Given usage of the checkpoints above, likely better than expected. If not yet complete, apply the transits of the Sun, Mercury and Earth to the fastest moving pulsars and accelerate in a close out of determined effort, trusting that peripheral vision permits all necessary data to be seen. For 2017, how about getting a jump on issuing resolutions? Today, the water is fine.

Annus Mirabilus for one and all.

More soon.